A community reflects amidst tragedies

Amid a historically tragic day for the Green River community, a small group of citizens gathered to host a candlelight vigil for a young victim of an unspeakable crime.

On the evening of Friday, February 14, about 25 Green River residents gathered at Wolves Stadium, candles in hand, to pray and reflect on the various events that had rocked Wyoming over one short week.

The vigil originated when several Green River citizens saw a social media post circulating about other communities throughout the state hosting vigils for a young girl named Olivia. Almost every county in the state held vigils on Valentines Day in an act of unity - a quality that Wyoming has often been known for. At the time, Olivia was the lone survivor of a filicide, a family shooting, earlier in the week in Byron, Wyoming. Sadly, Olivia passed a few days later.

February 14 was also a day that the Green River community was shocked by the I-80 tunnel wreck, which took the lives of three individuals and forever changed the physical and emotional landscape of the town.

According to Blair McEndaffer, one of the vigil organizers, our own community, specifically our first responders, were quickly included in the intent of the gathering.

"We were able to quickly have some signage created to include our first responders in the vigil, which was incredibly important to us as we were all stunned by the days' events," she explained.

The vigil was officiated by Pastor Clint Scott of Hilltop Baptist Church. Scott opened the ceremony with prayer and lead the participants in the singing of "Amazing Grace."

Residents Tammy Fennell and Pattie Hastings helped to provide candles for the crowd and photographed the event. Some of the organizers and participants also purchased a stuffed animal and passed along a card that was signed by attendees and eventually sent to young Olivia's family.

The organizers of the vigil had originally hoped for more participation. However, with the days' events and the winter weather, they still understood the significance of the vigil whether there were 125 or 25 attendees.

McEndaffer reflected on the occasion by pointing out, "I like to say the vigil was tiny but mighty."


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