Students are reading for a reason

The 5th grade Title One class at Truman Elementary School is reading for a reason.

The class recently read the book "Invasion of the Plastic Bags" by Judith Bauer Stamper. The book explores the worldwide plastic bag waste problem.

The students learned how plastic bags are difficult to recycle, take many years to break down in landfills, and can harm the environment and human health.

After reading the book, teacher sMcKensey Lucero, Kelli Hokanson and Mandy Eagler brainstormed with students about possible solutions for the plastic bag problem. After discussing several solutions, Hokanson remembered Magic Valley Humanitarian Center out of Rupert, Idaho where she grew up.

Magic Valley's mission is to seek out and help those in need. One of the ways that they help is by creating sleeping mats for unhoused individuals. Those mats are created using plastic bags. The bags are weaved together by volunteers from all over the country and sent to Magic Valley for assembly.

The Truman students came together this past Friday to contribute to Magic Valley's mission by tying and preparing bags to send in.

Lucero spoke about the mission of the class and how it extends beyond just reading.

"My mission in this program has been to not just read with the kids but to bring to life what they are reading about, engage them and most importantly to help them understand learning can be fun," she said.

More information about Magic Valley Humanitarian Center can be found on their website


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