Letter to the Editor: Keep gun free zones

Dear Editor,

Unfortunately, HB 172 to repeal gun free zones is back and even worse than the Governor vetoed HB 125 from last session. This legislation has come before the Legislature for many years but never gained much traction until last year when the gun lobby started putting the full court press on Legislators. Public poles show that a majority of Wyomingites DO NOT want gun free zones repealed!

- March 2024 KGAB Poll: “Do you agree with Governor Gordon’s Veto of House Bill 125” 63.3% indicated YES.

- August 2024 Wyoming Tribune Eagle poll “Do you believe concealed carry of firearms should be allowed in the Capitol extension, between the Capitol and the Herschler Building?” 81.1% responded NO.

- August 2024 State Building Commission survey “Are you in favor of allowing members of the Public lawfully carrying concealed firearms… into public areas of the Capitol and Capitol Extension?” of 138 responses, 87% responded NO. Second formal comment period: 56 responses, 64% in opposition.

- August 2024 University of Wyoming survey on allowing guns on campus - more than 3,000 responses, 64% indicated NO.

- November 2024 UW Board of Trustees voted against allowing concealed carry on campus.

- January 2025 House Judiciary Committee – 4 spoke in favor, 14 in opposition with at least 20 more that were unable to speak in opposition due to time restriction.

The majority of the Wyoming public does not want gun free zones repealed and local control lost. The national gun lobby is putting pressure on Wyoming Legislators to pass this irresponsible legislation, else risk being called out as “not conservative enough”. Members of the public, reach out to your legislator TODAY and implore them to VOTE NO ON HB 172! Legislators – please listen to your constituents and stop catering to the desires of the few at the expense of the many. Do what you know is right and stop this bill.

Erika Cole



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