Western announces annual Chili Cook-Off to coincide with wrestling dual

Western Wyoming Community College (Western) will host its annual community Chili Cook-Off on the Rock Springs campus Saturday, January 25, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. as part of Spirit Week. For the first time, the Chili Cook-Off will coincide with Western’s back-to-back National Wrestling Champions dual against Otero Junior College starting at 2 p.m. the same day. Western encourages the public to come try chili for free and then walk over to the match to support the Mustangs in Rushmore Gym.  

Western is looking for businesses and individuals to show off their chili making skills for the annual event. Both red and green chili are accepted for the competition. Those wishing to participate should submit their registration form by Friday, January 17. Jack’s Crepes and Tip’s Kitchen have already submitted their commitments to bringing the best chili!  

Those who are extra daring are able to enter both a red and green chili---yes, we’ve had a few over the years. Judges taste and score for first, second, and third place for each red and green chili. Winners receive Rock Springs Chamber bucks and various prizes, including the ultimate prize, bragging rights for having the best chili! Additionally, there is a People’s Choice award for the public’s favorite recipe with a basket donated by Western’s Bookstore.  

Western is asking the public to donate supplies and food to the Student Storehouse on the day of the Chili Cook-Off. In addition to sampling free chili, the public is invited to celebrate Spirit Week with Western by entering a coloring contest, capturing discounts at the Western Bookstore, and snagging some amazing Western pottery. Drinks, including Starbucks options, cinnamon rolls and cornbread will be available for purchase at the T-Rex Grill. On the day of, attendees will be given a raffle card to get stamped at chili stations and then, after so many stamps, exchange their cards for tickets to win prizes.  

In speaking of the event, Men’s Wrestling Coach Art Castillo said, “What an awesome opportunity for the community to participate in ongoing traditions at Western. Sweetwater County has been wonderful in their support of Western over the years and I want to personally invite you to continue doing just that during Spirit Week. Please come out and support the two-time defending National Champions as we take on Otero College in a Region 9 matchup. The Mustang Family and supporters are truly the difference makers in our success! As always, let‘s rock in the Rock!” 

For more details on Homecoming and the Chili Cook-Off, visit westernwyoming.edu/spiritweek. Direct inquiries or questions regarding the Chili Cook-Off can be sent to marketing@westernwyoming.edu or by calling 307-382-1858.


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