Core retires after 24 years of service

After serving as a school board member for Sweetwater County School District No. 2 for 24 years and 10 months, Steve Core is officially retired.

Core was first elected to a two-year term 1990, then elected to a four-year term in 1992 and again in 1996. He had a special appointment to the school board in February 2006, and was elected to four-year terms in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. Core served as board chair for 11 years, and was an original board member to Sweetwater BOCES and the Green River Rec. board. He served with 42 different board members and seven superintendents, including Curt Sokness, Gene Carmody, Barb Van Matre, Craig Sorenson, Donna Little Kaumo, Jamie Christenson, and Craig Barringer.

When asked what he believed some of his greatest accomplishments were during his time as a school board member, Core said there are numerous things that he is immensely proud of, but few that really stand out.

"I am very proud of getting the bond issue passed for new Green River High School, and later the new pool," he mentioned. "On both bonds, we did exactly what we said we would do, and the bonds were paid off on time. I think of all the improvements we have made to our buildings, Monroe, Lincoln, Harrison, the new Granger School, new Central Administration building, and all the improvements we have made to our activity facilities. We have an incredibly good graduation rate, and our attendance rates are above the state average. Being able to give raises year in and year out to our employees. Very proud of getting rid of the automatic expulsion of kids for bad behavior. Instead we put them on contract, and then it is up to them to complete the agreement. This has saved hundreds of kids over the years."

One project that really stuck with Core over the years is Expedition Academy.

"I was part of starting that program," he explained. "Originally, I against the idea, but man was I wrong. We have handed out over 500 diplomas to kids who probably would not have gotten a diploma."

When discussing some of the challenges he faced as a school board member, Core remarked that one of the hardest parts of being a board member is your relationship with employees.

"Relationships can and will probably be strained because of the decisions you will make based on the recommendations from the superintendent," he said.

Core also gave some advice for all new incoming and future school board members.

"Do your homework," he said. "Take time to understand what it takes to be a productive member of the school district. Always remember you will not always win, but remember, you must support the decision of the majority of board members. A good school board member must understand policies and procedures and the budget. The budget is a process, and funding of schools is complicated, but you need to understand how and why it works. Work with, not against, the superintendent. You are one of seven members, working together, not against each other. I have experienced both, and working together is much better."

Core reflected fondly on his 24 years of service, noting that he would miss relationships with employees and students and most of all, and handing out diplomas.

Core's future plans include continuing to give back to the community, retiring from his position with the City of Green River in the next two years, and eventually spending the summers in Green River and winters in Arizona.

Core also noted that he could not have spent so much time volunteering without the support of his wife Nancy. Steve and Nancy celebrated their 40th anniversary this past week.


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