Our View: Honoring veterans and exercising our freedoms

With Veteran’s Day falling just under a week after Election Day this year, this week’s newspaper is a unique mix of both our annual Veteran’s Edition and our reporting on the election results. We find it meaningful that these two topics have ended up together in the newspaper this week.

Every year, we take the time to recognize Veteran’s Day by honoring our local veterans who have fought and served our nation. In this week’s paper you’ll find pages full of photos and information on veterans from our community. They and their families have sacrificed to protect our country and protect our freedoms and rights as citizens.

This week, we can be especially thankful for those rights and freedoms, as many of us exercised them by voting. Thousands of citizens turned out in Sweetwater County, across Wyoming, and across the country to cast their votes and make their voices heard and choices known. We are grateful to have this freedom and right which has been protected by our veterans.

Veterans Day falls on November 11 because it recognizes when World War I ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. It has become a day to recognize all who serve their country. It should also serve as a time to remember the horrific war that the Armistice of November 11, 1918 officially ended, and all the wars that have followed. As we know, history tends to repeat itself. We are thankful for those who fight, but we all wish they wouldn’t have to.

As we honor those who serve, and as we exercise the freedoms they protect, let us all continue to work together to strive for peace.


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