Letter to the editor: Realtors support Amendment A

Dear Editor,

People have asked why the Wyoming REALTORS are backing Amendment A. The answer is straightforward: We believe in homeownership and will always support any effort to keep people in their homes.

Our Wyoming Constitution currently has three classes of property for the purpose of property taxation. First is Minerals, second is Industrial, and the third class is “all other.” All other encompasses Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, and personal property. Our constitution says that “all properties shall be taxed uniformly in each class.” In the simplest terms, you can’t give Grandma a break on her property tax without giving the same break to the mega-corporations, i.e., big box stores. This amendment creates a fourth class, Residential, and allows the legislature to create a subcategory of owner-occupied primary residences. That’s it. No hidden agendas, no deception. A separate class for residential.

There has been misinformation that this amendment will raise your taxes. That is not true. This Amendment simply creates a 4th class, so our elected representatives can tax residential differently than commercial. Does that mean they will raise commercial taxes? I believe that is a scare tactic. The Wyoming legislature, dominated by very conservative Republicans, is not going to raise anyone’s taxes! It is a red herring at best and a scare tactic at worst.

Two-thirds of the elected members of each house voted in support of Amendment A. They weren’t afraid of it then; why are they now? Vote yes on Amendment A.

Angela Wilson

Wyoming Realtors Vice President

Green River


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