Wyoming vs. the Fed

Wyoming has a long history of self-reliance and innovation, especially in finance. Custodia Bank, founded here, is pushing the boundaries of digital banking and blockchain technology. Yet Custodia’s battle with the Federal Reserve is about more than just its future—it’s about who controls financial freedom and, ultimately, the sovereignty of states like Wyoming.

The Federal Reserve denied Custodia a master account, an essential tool for direct access to the U.S. payment system. This isn’t just a bureaucratic hurdle—it’s an attempt to suppress competition. While Custodia and other small banks are blocked, the Fed allows big players like Bank of New York Mellon to operate freely in the same digital asset space. Such double standards should concern every American who values competition, fairness, and innovation.

The American Bankers Association (ABA), another powerful player, controls routing numbers that banks need to operate. Custodia’s application was delayed for over a year, showing how gatekeepers can wield immense power to crush competition. This isn’t how a free market operates. Innovation and fairness must be present; otherwise, the system becomes rigged, controlled by a few at the expense of many.

This isn’t just about Wyoming or Custodia—it’s about whether we want a future where power is concentrated in the hands of a few gatekeepers, or one where states and communities can decide their own financial destiny. The question is existential: Will we allow federal overreach and monopolistic power to dictate who can innovate and who is left behind? If innovation and fairness are blocked, the market is no longer truly free.

This fight gives lawmakers a rare opportunity to unite on a nonpartisan issue. Free and fair markets benefit everyone. If Custodia, an innovative Wyoming bank, can be blocked, it sets a dangerous precedent for the financial industry. Imagine a future where only giant financial institutions control access to technology, leaving small banks and communities behind. That’s not just unfair—it’s a threat to American innovation.

What’s at stake isn’t just Custodia Bank. It’s the future of financial innovation, state sovereignty, and whether Wyoming will continue to lead in shaping financial freedom. Wyoming has pioneered policies for blockchain and digital assets. This battle is part of a larger fight for financial freedom that affects every state.

Custodia’s fight is about more than one bank; it’s a fight for fairness and autonomy. This issue gives lawmakers a chance to unite, cross partisan lines, and defend Wyoming’s interests in an increasingly centralized financial world.

This is not a partisan issue—this is about fairness, innovation, and protecting Wyoming’s future. Lawmakers from all sides can unite to defend our state’s interests. This is our chance to build a more open, competitive, and fair financial system for everyone. It’s also an opportunity for Wyoming to continue leading the charge in asserting state sovereignty over federal overreach, particularly the Federal Reserve. Regardless of party or caucus, this is a clear chance for all of us to stand together and fight for Wyoming.


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