Wolves Golf wraps up regular season

The Green River High School Golf team wrapped up their final week of the regular season this past week.

Varsity took part in a one-day invitational at Purple Sage Golf Course in Evanston last Wednesday. The Wolves had three top 10 finishers. Junior Mylie Mele came in at eighth place on the ladies' side, with Senior Kaleb Gunter coming in at 10th place on the boys' team. Junior Adam Robertson was again the top finisher for the boys, coming in with an eighth place finish.

The Junior Varsity competed in Pinedale and made it through nine holes before the competition was called due to severe thunderstorms. Sophomore Brody Fuller led the team, posting a 46 after the nine-hole round.

Green River's Varsity team left for the 4A West Conference Championship in Casper on Wednesday. The Wolves will officially enter post season Monday, hosting the JV Championship in Green River.

Head Coach Karly Eyre is optimistic heading into the postseason.

"The 4A West Conference Championship is also a qualifier for the State Championship next week," she explained. "The top 20 boys and top 20 girls qualify for the State Championship. I feel confident that this is one of the most prepared teams we have ever taken into the postseason and I'm eager to see many of them make the cut for next week."

Evanston Invite results


Mylie Mele - 101


Adam Robertson - 86

Kaleb Gunter - 87

Roman Brown - 92

Jason Mandros - 100

Brody Fuller - 101

Jacoby Bundy - 103

Cash Anderson - 126


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