Letter to the Editor: You have the right to disagree, not to destroy property

Dear Editor,

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh yes…. The First Amendment is great isn’t it?

A few months ago, I was shopping for groceries and on the way to the checkout stand, I realized I had lost my debit card that I needed to pay for the food. I immediately went to the front counter and reported the card missing. The next morning, I got a call telling me that my card had been turned in. I was amazed!! (And very relieved as well, I might add.) I was back at the store and mentioned to the man working in the produce section that I was shocked that someone had turned the card in and he said, “You’re not from around here are you?” I told him I WAS from around here and very happy about that fact.

Now that doesn’t have anything to do with the First Amendment but I felt it necessary to share that so that you can all share in my disappointment in discovering that there are now those that live here that are of a much lower caliber than the kind of people most of us that have lived here for MANY years are used to having as neighbors. Now, there are some that think I do NOT have the right to display a Political sign on my fence that shows who I will be supporting in the upcoming August 20th Primary Election. How sad. Does this mean that if I am walking down someone’s street and they have a car in their driveway that I don’t like the color of, that I am free to paint their car a color I prefer instead? Come to think of it, I don’t like your fence either so it must come down!!!

The point? Well, apparently there are still those that live around here that don’t think others should be allowed to do things on their own property…. I had a sign on my fence on Logan Street supporting Marlene Brady and someone CUT three of the four zip ties holding it onto my fence. They must’ve gotten interrupted because is was just hanging there by one zip tie. You don’t want to vote for who I want to vote for? Then don’t, but stay in your own darn lane and vote for who YOU want to vote for and leave me and my property alone. How childish of you to think you have the RIGHT to destroy things on someone else’s property. Shame on you…

Marlene Brady is a wonderful candidate and even though you were so crass as to try to remove her sign from my fence, she would STILL have your back for your 1st Amendment Rights as well as your 2nd Amendment Rights as so many other things that are important to most of our fellow Wyomingites. You don’t agree with me, or with her, nothing wrong with that but believe me when I tell you, even if I don’t agree with you, I will stand by Marlene to make sure you have the right to disagree with me, but you do NOT have the right to mess with other people’s properties!

Simone Keevert

Green River


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