Letter to the Editor: Supporting Marlene Brady

Dear Editor,

I had a gal by the name of Marlene Brady stop by. She is a Republican running as a Representative in the WY House District 60, and is fighting for us very hard! If you are not familiar with her opponent, Tony Niemiec, please check out what all be has voted for or against since he has been in Office.

Marlene’s statement shows me she is the best for the job! “I pledge that I will fight to protect the freedoms and Rights of every Wyoming citizen against all federal and state government overreach.” She is a STRONG advocate for Property Tax reform and relief; Fiscal Responsibility; Election Integrity; Accountability for legislators to follow through on their campaign promises; Integrity is high on her list as she believes all Wyoming citizens deserve Representatives understand that the position they hold is one of honor that requires humility and honesty.

Marlene believes, as I do, that we are entitled to know how our legislators are voting. I absolutely love her stance that states no medical procedure, modality, or treatment should ever be mandated under any circumstances. Another issue she is spot on about is our Private Property Rights AND protecting our 2nd Amendment!!! This one is top of the list for most folks here in Wyoming if for no other reason than to protects ourselves, loved ones and pets from the wild life here in our great state.

Family Values is very important to Marlene as well and last but not least, she said, “I believe “We the People” are the ultimate authority under the Constitution and the role of government is to protect our rights, It’s the reason I am running for this office, to return that authority back to the people where it belongs.”


Phone: 307-871-4583

Email: brady4wyoming@gmail.com

Website: brady4wyoming.com

Simone Keevert

Green River


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