Knights "A" team plays Evanston before District Tournament

Last Wednesday, July 10, the Green River Knights Legion Baseball team traveled to Evanston to compete in two conference games against the Evanston Outlaws.

For the Knights' first game, the Outlaws took the lead in the first inning by scoring two runs. During the second inning, neither team scored. The Outlaws' scored a additional four runs in the third and fourth innings. Finally, in the fifth inning, the Knights got on the score board, scoring three runs to the Outlaws' one. Slowly catching up, the Knights scored two more runs in the sixth inning. Lastly, cutting it close in the seventh inning, the Knights scored three runs to the Outlaws' two. The game resulted in the Knights' close loss, with a final score of 8-9.

Leading the team were Brackin Lail and Lander Welch with two runs each, along with Oliver Akin, Ryker Dane, Travin Brown and Jace Paoli with one run each.

In the Knights' second game, neither team scored in the first inning. During the second inning, on the other hand, the Knights took the lead, this time scoring two runs to the Outlaws' one. The Knights pulled ahead even further in the third inning, scoring 11 runs. Neither team scored in the fourth inning. Lastly, in the fifth inning, the Outlaws scored two runs. The game resulted in the Knights' victory, with a final score of 13-3.

Leading the team this game was Lander Welch with three runs. Following him were Ben Lail, Skyler Lee and Jace Paoli with two runs each, along with Brackin Lail, Oliver Akin, Kamden Liebelt and Dallyn Buschelman with one run each.

Head Coach Ben Lail pointed out that the conference went well overall, with the team splitting their results with one loss and one win.

"We played two pretty good games," Coach Lail said. "They beat us in the bottom of game one and we ended up 10 runnings up in game two. So it was a pretty good day."

This week the Knights will be playing in the South Western Wyoming District Baseball Tournament, which is being hosted in Green River this year. The district tournament will start on Friday with the Knights playing at 7 p.m. against the Lovell Mustangs. The tournament will continue through Sunday.


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