Students attend annual History Fair

Dave Mead, Executive Director of the Sweetwater County Historical Museum in Green River, expressed his special thanks to the volunteers, parents, educators, and others who made possible this year's four-day Third Grade History Fair, which took place May 13 through May 16.

Over 850 third grade students, teachers, and caregivers from all over the county took part this year. Each received a guided tour of the museum, reviewed special exhibits, and attended demonstrations about ranching, mining, mountain men, Native Americans, Old West immigrants, and the railroad at Centennial Park. Students also participated in hands-on activities grounded in frontier history such as gold panning, making their own butter, simulated calf branding, and simulated railroad spike-driving.

Among this who made this year's event possible were:

- Presenters Madeline Trujillo-Hamel, Dilara Gunduz, Pam Nichelson, Sara Crow, Stan Blake, Tiffany Costigan, Landry Roskelle, "Tail Gunner," Rich Nobles, Mike Masterson, Emilio Sanchez, and Josie Eastman

- Members of the Sweetwater County Historical Museum Board, Sweetwater County Museum Foundation Board, and Museum Volunteers

- Budd Allen, Steve Boyd, Pete Costigan, Randy Walker, Demir Gunduz, Cristy Gunduz, Tamer Gunduz, Dogan Gunduz, Korra Stotts, Diane Butler, and Emilia Sanchez

Mead also expressed his appreciation to Sweetwater County School Districts No. 1 and No. 2, which provided bus transportation for the students, the Green River Police and Fire Departments, Green River Parks and Recreation, Darrell Real and Wyoming Operation Lifesaver for the donation of bags and railroad safety media, and the Tynsky Law Office, plus special thanks to Bill Taliaferro of Rock Springs for the use of his sheep camp.


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