Speech and Debate team ends season, qualifies 13 students for Nationals

The Green River High School Speech and Debate team wrapped up a successful season over the last two weekends, bringing home some exciting wins.

First, the team took place in the District Tournament, hosted by Rock Springs, over the weekend of March 2.

"The team had amazing success at districts this year," the Speech and Debate coaching staff posted on the team's Facebook page. "For the kids, this is the most important tournament of the season. It is the tournament that decides who will qualify for the National Tournament in Des Moines, Iowa, this June."

Green River was able to qualify 13 students who will make the trip to Nationals.

On top of the success of the qualifiers, the team also won the Debate Sweepstakes.

Following the success of Districts, the Wolves went to the Wyoming State Speech and Debate Tournament in Cheyenne last weekend. After a full weekend of tough competition, Green River finished in second place, coming in behind Rock Springs.

"What a good end to an amazing season," the Wolves coaching staff posted on Facebook. "So proud of all these kids."

State individual results

Extemporaneous Speaking - Makynzee Bagshaw 6th overall and 1st in 3A, James Leffers 2nd in 3A

Humorous Interpretation - Spencer Morrell 6th overall and 3rd in 3A

Lincoln-Douglas Debate - Kaylee Noyes 3rd overall and 2nd in 3A

Poetry - Jasper Kennah 1st overall and 1st in 3A, Bekalyn Swett 6th overall

Public Forum Debate - Sariah Maez/MaKynzee Bagshaw 3rd in 3A

Districts - National qualifiers

Senate: Emma Johnson - National Qualifier 1

Big Questions: Traijyn Jakubowski - National Qualifier 2 and Kaylee Noyes - 1st Alternative

LD Debate: Kaylee Noyes - National Qualifier 3, Silas Chetterbock - 1st Alternate and Traijyn Jakubowski - 2nd Alternative

PF Debate: Sariah Maez and MaKynzee Bagshaw - National Qualifier 4,5 and Laural Kurth and Bekalyn Swett - 2nd Alternate

Drama: Lilly Janota - 2nd Alternate

Humor: Laural Kurth - 1st Alternate and Spencer Morrell - 2nd Alternate

International Extemp: James Leffers - National Qualifier 6 and Silas Chetterbock - National Qualifier 7

Oratory: Savery English - National Qualifier 8 and Kaylee Noyes - 2nd Alternate

POI: Leo Evans - National Qualifier 9 and Jasper Kennah - National Qualifier 10

WSD Debate: Bekalyn Swett - National Qualifier


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