Letters to the editor: US flag missing from parade

Dear Editor,

Well, Homecoming week of 2023 is over and in the books.

I have raised five boys in Green River and have purchased many t-shirts for this week, from back when the elementary kids were bused to the beginning of the parade route. The parade route was down Uinta and the street was full of spectators.

We purchased many t-shirts, starting with Jackson Elementary, Harrison Elementary, Monroe Middle School, Lincoln and of course GRHS, sporting our school spirit over the years. My boys participated in the home coming bonfire, hauling truckloads of pallets to “make a bigger fire than last year.”

I rented many tuxedos along with buying meals.

The 2023 Homecoming parade had very creative floats, the marching band, Police Department, Fire Department, and the Grand Marshall. It was fun and showed our “Green River” spirit. The time and money put into the parade was apparent.

The one thing our home coming parade did NOT have was the American Flag! “Old Glory” shall lead the parade, placed in the center ahead of other flags. “Old Glory” shall be carried on a pole out in front at a 30-degree angle.

For many years I have proudly placed my hand on my heart in honor of our great country while enjoying the Homecoming events.

As a daughter of an Army Veteran, the niece of a Vietnam Veteran and the mother of a Marine, I am saddened and disappointed America was not represented at the beginning of the Homecoming parade 2023.

Kim Wilkins

Green River


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