Brubaker elected President of Northwest Chapter of the AAAE

At the regular business meeting of the American Association of Airport Executives on September 21, 2023, Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport Executive Director Devon Brubaker was selected by his peers to lead the Northwest Chapter of the AAAE for the coming year. The Northwest Chapter is comprised of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Yukon, and Northwest Territory. The Chapter includes members who manage or are involved in the operation of airports of all sizes and types, remote and metropolitan, commercial aviation and general aviation.

The mission of the Northwest Chapter of AAAE is to "engage and inspire our members by delivering innovative services and by collaborating with stakeholders to advance the aviation industry." The Chapter further elaborates that it values Teamwork, Relationships, Innovation, Public Service, Customer Service, Honesty, Integrity, Transparency, Inclusion, and the Wonder of Aviation.

Since coming to the Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport, the benefits of membership have been very visible. Executive Director Brubaker has established good working relationships with both State and National Legislators of Wyoming, as well as ensuring that the local community stays informed of developments at the airport and aviation in general. Brubaker has established a high profile for the Airport and increased awareness of the importance of air service and general aviation to the local economy. Brubaker currently serves as the Vice Chair for the Wyoming Airports Coalition in addition to his other involvement with Wyoming airports and air service.

Regarding public service, Devon is very involved in the community. He is the chair of the Ray Lovato Recycling Center Board and works tirelessly to seek more innovations to increase the recycling stream in Rock Springs. Brubaker also sits on the Sweetwater County Travel & Tourism Board and the Southwest Wyoming Economic Development Coalition.


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