BLM seeks public input on Sweetwater Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Proposal

The Bureau of Land Management Kemmerer Field Office is seeking public comment on a right-of-way for the proposed Sweetwater Carbon Storage Hub CO2 Sequestration project. If approved, Pond Field, LLC would sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) in up to 44,570 acres of sub-surface federal pore space in Uinta, Sweetwater and Lincoln counties. 

This proposal to permanently store carbon in underground rock formations will reduce atmospheric carbon. The proposal follows a June 2022 BLM policy update authorizing rights-of-way on public lands for the geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide. 

In addition to the right-of-way application submitted to the BLM, Pond Field has also applied for three Class VI Underground Injection Control well permits from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. The permits would allow Pond Field to construct and operate carbon dioxide injection wells exclusively on private land. Pond Field may later apply to the BLM for additional rights-of-way. Environmental analyses would be conducted prior to constructing access roads, well pads, pipelines, and any other facilities on BLM-managed public lands. 

Additional information, a map of the project area and instructions on how to comment are available on the project ePlanning website at 

Comments may also be mailed to: BLM Kemmerer Field Office, Attn: Tracy Hoover, 430 US HWY 189, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101. Scoping comments will be accepted until September 1, 2023. 

For more information, contact Tracy Hoover, (307) 367-5342.


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