Green River Police Department reports for July 25 - 28

Green River Police Department reports for July 25

At 9:28 a.m., CSOs responded to a report of nuisance property. Officers made contact with the property owner who advised they would get the property cleaned up. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 1:32 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle and issued the driver, Trevor Grenz, of Gillette, a citation for allegedly crossing the center line.

At 2:05 p.m., officers responded to a report of a larceny. Officers met with the reporting party who advised they had a lock removed from their storage unit and items were missing from inside. Officers gathered information about the missing items and searched the area for any leads. Officers determined no other units appeared to have been tampered with and were unable to locate any further leads at the time of the report. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 3:28 p.m., officers responded to a report of a larceny that may have occurred within the last year. Officers met with the reporting party who advised they had discovered some jewelry missing from inside the residence. Officers gathered information about the missing items and gathered statements from the occupants of the residence. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 5:44 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle and issued the driver, Mark Hart, of Edmond, Oklahoma a citation for alleged speed - generally.

At 8:29 p.m., officers responded to a report of barking dogs. Officers gathered a statement from the reporting party and met with the owner of the dogs to advise of the complaint. The owner of the dogs stated they were aware of the issue and were working on a solution. Officers completed a report of the incident.

July 26

At 7:47 a.m., officers responded to a report of a disturbance. Officers met with the involved parties who advised they had been arguing and the confrontation was only verbal. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 8:21 a.m., officers were contacted for a civil standby. Officers spoke with the requesting party who advised they had some property they needed to pick up from a residence and needed officers present. Officers arranged a time for the civil standby but the requesting party did not show up and was unable to be contacted. Officers advised the owner of the residence to contact dispatch if the other party showed up at a later time and completed a report of the incident.

At 1:56 p.m., officers responded to a report of property damage. Officers met with the reporting party who advised they had discovered a broken window on their camper. Officers observed the damage and located a small ball that appeared to be the cause of the damage. Officers were unable to locate any leads to identify a suspect at the time of the report. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 4:52 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle and issued the driver, Levi Miller, of Green River, a citation for alleged valid certificate of title, certificate of registration, and license plates required violation.

July 27

At 9:03 a.m., officers responded to a report of several abandoned vehicles in the area of Alabama Drive. Officers observed several vehicles that appeared to be abandoned or in violation of parking ordinances. The vehicles were tagged and officers completed a report of the incident.

At 3:35 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle and issued the driver a written warning for alleged speed - generally.

At 4:06 p.m., officers responded to a report of property damage. Officers met with the reporting party who advised they had found a broken window on their trailer. Officers observed the damage to the trailer and were advised that nothing inside the trailer was missing or disturbed. Officers located several small rocks from the deteriorating roadway in the area and determined a vehicle likely flung a rock causing the damage. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 4:32 p.m., officers responded to a report of an abandoned vehicle. Officers observed the vehicle to have a flat tire and expired registration. Officers tagged the vehicle as abandoned and completed a report of the incident.

At 5:40 p.m., officers responded to a report of vandalism at Harrison School. Officers were advised that a group of juveniles were vandalizing playground equipment. Once on scene, officers met with the group of juveniles who admitted to causing some damage to a table in the playground area. Officers contacted the juveniles’ parents to take the juveniles home and completed a report of the incident.

At 7:20 p.m., officers responded to a report of a dog bite. Officers met with the reporting party who advised that they had been working in the area when two dogs charged towards them from a fenced-in yard and jumped up on the fence and bit them. Officers met with the owner of the dogs who was unable to provide proof of vaccines at the time of the incident. Officers impounded the dogs and completed a report of the incident.

At 7:34 p.m., officers responded to a report of a dog bite. Officers met with the reporting party who advised that they were at a residence to clean for the homeowners and when they opened the door to enter the house, the homeowner’s dog bit them twice in the leg. Officers met with the owner of the dog who was unable to provide proof of vaccines at the time of the incident. Officers impounded the dog and completed a report of the incident.

July 28

At 1:55 p.m., officers responded to a report of a bat in a residence. Officers were able to capture and remove the bat from the residence. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 1:04 p.m., officers responded to a report of a physical disturbance. Officers met with an individual who reported an altercation with another individual. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 1:30 p.m., officers responded to a report of a two-vehicle collision in the Smiths parking lot located at 905 Bridger Drive. It was reported one vehicle was parked crooked in a parking space and backing out to straighten the vehicle when a second vehicle, which was traveling south in the parking lot, traveled behind the first vehicle and the vehicles collided. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident. 

At 2:06 p.m., officers were dispatched to Castle Rock Ambulance Barn at 1480 Uinta Drive for a subject removal. It was reported an individual had entered the building without permission and was refusing to leave. Officers met with the individual and subsequently placed April Metcalf, of Jeffrey City, under arrest and issued a citation for alleged trespassing. Officers transported Metcalf to the Sweetwater County Detention Center and completed a report of the incident.

At 3:39 p.m., officers responded to a report of a single vehicle crash on the nature trail off of Scotts Bottom Road. Officers met with the occupants of the vehicle who reported going off the road and striking a tree. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 7:18 p.m., officers were dispatched to the area of Barnhart Street for a report of a unknown individual that showed up at a residence. Officers met with the individual and caretakers. EMS arrived and the individual was transported. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 9:58 p.m., officers responded to the area of Greasewood Street for a report of property damage. Officers met with an individual who reported that an unknown person banged on their front door, broke a window, and then left the area. Officers located and made contact with the individual, gathered information, and completed a report of the incident. 


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