Green River Police Department reports for March 31 - April 9

March 31

At 5:24 p.m., officers responded to the Probation and Parole office at 140 Commerce Drive for a report of an individual with an active arrest and hold order. Officers met with agents and the individual, confirmed the order, and placed Tyler Leavitt, of Rock Springs, under arrest. Officers transported Leavitt to the Sweetwater County Detention Center and completed a report of the incident.

At 7:27 p.m., officers responded to Green River High School at 1615 Hitching Post Drive for a report of a violation of a court order. Officers met with an individual who reported another individual for being in violation of a court order. Officers met with the individual, gathered information, and completed a report of the incident. 

At 11:55 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop in the area of Monroe Avenue and Uinta Drive and issued the driver a written warning for alleged tail lights/license plate required violation. 

April 1 

At 10:07 a.m., Animal Control Officers responded to a residence on Evans Street for a report of a barking dog complaint. Officers made contact at the residence and advised the owner of the dogs of the complaint, issued a verbal warning, and completed a report of the incident.  

At 2:10 p.m., officers responded to a report of an individual with an active warrant. Officers made contact with the individual, confirmed the warrant, and placed Chad Manley, of Green River, under arrest per the active warrant. Officers transported Manley to the Sweetwater County Detention Center and completed a report of the incident. 

At 5:37 p.m., officers responded to the area of Center Street for a report of a violation of a court order. Officers met with an individual who reported another individual for being in violation of a court order. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 5:50 p.m., officers responded to the area of Iowa Avenue and W Teton Boulevard for a report of a disturbance and possible vehicle accident. Upon arrival, officers made contact with the parties involved and determined no accident had occurred. However, the altercation did involve vehicles. It was reported an individual confronted another individual about riding their dirt bike on the street and the two individuals were involved in an altercation. The parties were separated and departed the area without further incident, then officers completed a report of the incident. 

At 7:50 p.m., officers responded to a report of domestic violence. Officers met with the individuals that were involved in a verbal dispute. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

April 2 

At 7:48 p.m., officers responded to the area of Wilkes Drive for a report of a disturbance. Officers met with individuals involved in a verbal dispute. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident. 

At 8:11 p.m., officers responded to a residence on W Virginia Place for a report of suspicious circumstances. Officers met with an individual who reported concerns for another individual. Officers contacted the individual, gathered information, and completed a report of the incident. 

At 11:04 p.m., officers responded to the area of Juniper Street for a report of a subject inside the caller’s vehicle. Officers made contact with the subject, who turned out to be a neighbor who had accidentally entered the wrong vehicle. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

April 3

At 6:42 a.m., officers responded to the intersection of Evans Street and Uinta Drive for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported one vehicle was traveling south and was in the left-hand turning lane. Another vehicle was traveling north on Uinta Drive when the driver attempted a right-hand turn, but due to road conditions, the vehicle slid through the intersection and struck the front of the other vehicle. Officers met with the drivers, gathered information, and completed a report of the incident.

At 6:50 a.m., officers responded to the area of E Teton Boulevard for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported one vehicle was traveling south on E Teton Boulevard negotiating a curve in the roadway. Another vehicle was traveling north negotiating the same curve in the roadway. The driver of the first vehicle lost control of the vehicle and the rear driver’s side of the vehicle struck the rear driver’s side of the second vehicle. The first vehicle then left the scene. Officers met with both drivers and gathered information. Officers issued the driver of the first vehicle, a juvenile, age 17, of Green River, a citation for alleged speed too fast for conditions and completed a report of the incident.

At 7:31 a.m., officers responded to the area of Upland Way and Commerce Drive for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported one vehicle was stopped at the intersection facing north. The second vehicle was traveling west on Upland Way and attempted a right-hand turn onto Commerce Drive when the vehicle slid on the roadway and the front passenger side of the second vehicle struck the front driver’s side of the first vehicle. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 7:47 a.m., officers responded to the area of Shoshone Avenue and Hitching Post Drive for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported one vehicle was traveling east on Shoshone Avenue and was stopped waiting for vehicles to turn at the intersection. Another vehicle was also traveling east on Shoshone Avenue behind the first vehicle. Due to road conditions, the driver was unable to stop the second vehicle and collided with the first vehicle. Officers gathered information and issued the driver of the second vehicle, a juvenile, age 17, of Green River, a citation for alleged speed too fast for conditions. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 8:19 a.m., officers responded to the intersection of W Flaming Gorge Way and N 4 W Street for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported one vehicle was traveling north and was stopped at the stop sign. Another vehicle was traveling east when the driver attempted a right-hand turn and due to road conditions the vehicle slid into the first vehicle. Officers gathered information and issued the driver of the second vehicle, Bernice Anderson, of Green River, citations for alleged driving while license canceled, suspended, or revoked and compulsory auto insurance. Officers completed a report of the incident.

At 9:33 a.m., officers responded to the area of Bridger Drive and Medicine Bow for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported one vehicle was traveling east on Bridger Drive. Another vehicle was traveling south on Medicine Bow Drive when the vehicle slid past the stop sign and struck the first vehicle. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 10:04 a.m., officers responded to the area of Maryland Drive for a report of property damage. Officers met with an individual who reported that someone is taking the windshield wipers off of their vehicle. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

April 4

At 5:43 a.m., officers responded to the area of the I-80 exit 91- Hwy 530 off-ramp for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported both vehicles were traveling west and attempting to exit the interstate on exit 91. Due to weather conditions, neither driver could see the exit. When one vehicle nearly stopped to take the exit, the other vehicle, which was behind the first, could not stop and struck the rear of the first vehicle. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 8:54 a.m., officers responded to a report of a scam. Officers met with an individual who reported they were being blackmailed by a subject through Instagram. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 2:05 p.m., officers responded to a report of domestic violence. Officers met with the individuals involved in a verbal dispute. Officers gathered information and the parties were separated for the night. Officers completed an incident report.

April 5

At 11:35 a.m., officers responded to a report of a bus light violation. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

At 1:24 p.m., officers responded to the area of South Carolina Drive for a report of a hit and run collision. It was reported one vehicle was backing out of a driveway and struck a second vehicle, which was parked and unoccupied. The first vehicle then drove away. Officers located the first vehicle and met with the driver. The driver advised they did not know they had struck the other vehicle. Officers issued a citation for alleged improper backing to Ruben Piedra-Solis, of Green River, and completed a report of the incident. 

At 1:56 p.m., officers responded to the area of Uinta Drive and Astle Avenue for a report of a vehicle that ran a stop sign and hit another vehicle. Officers gathered information and issued a citation to Jose Gallegos, of Green River, for alleged obedience to a traffic-control device violation.

At 2:30 p.m., officers responded to a report of threats/harassment. Officers met with an individual who reported a known individual was harassing them and had broken a window at their residence. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

April 6

At 7:41 a.m., officers responded to the area of Powell Street for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported one vehicle was traveling east on Powell Street when the driver lost control of the vehicle and the vehicle slid and struck a second vehicle, which was parked and unoccupied. Officers gathered information, issued the driver of the first vehicle, Teresa Shafe, of Green River, a citation for alleged speed too fast for conditions, and completed a report of the incident. 

At 9:29 a.m., officers responded to a report of a stopped school bus violation that occurred at Hutton Street and Wilkes Drive. Officers gathered information and located the driver of the vehicle. Officers issued David Brown, of Green River, a citation for alleged meeting or passing a stopped school bus and completed a report of the incident.

At 9:36 a.m., Animal Control Officers responded to a residence on Wagonwheel Drive for a report of an animal problem. Officers made contact with an owner of a dog that had been at large and going into the neighbor’s yard. Officers issued Trey Montoya, of Green River, a citation for alleged animal at large and completed a report of the incident.

At 2:45 p.m., officers responded to the area of E 3 N for a report of trespassing. Officers met with an individual who requested to have another individual trespassed from their property. Officers made contact with the individual, issued the trespass warning, and completed a report of the incident.

At 4:01 p.m., officers responded to 140 Commerce Drive for an arrest and hold at the request of Probation and Parole. Officers met with agents and the individual. Officers confirmed the arrest order and placed Jeremy Hale, of Rock Springs, under arrest. Officers transported Hale to the Sweetwater County Detention Center and completed a report of the incident. 

At 9:16 p.m., officers responded to a report of domestic violence. Officers met with the individuals involved in an altercation. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident. 

April 7

At 11:45 a.m., officers responded to a report of threats/harassment. Officers met with an individual who reported their cell phone had been cloned, and that someone is sending messages and making calls with their number. Officers gathered information, advised the individual to report the incident to their phone provider, and completed a report of the incident. 

At 1:35 p.m., officers responded to a residence on Andrews Street for a report of found property. Officers met with an individual who turned over a bicycle that had been left in their yard for several months. Officers collected a Black Kent BMX-style bike with green pegs and pedals, booked the bike in for safekeeping, and completed a report of the incident.

At 6:23 p.m., officers were dispatched to the Green River Police Department for a report of a larceny that had occurred at the Hampton Inn on April 5. Officers met with an individual who reported money had been taken out of their wallet. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident. 

At 8:19 p.m., officers responded to a report of domestic violence. Officers met with individuals involved in an altercation. Officers gathered information and placed Shanna Shaffer, of Green River, under arrest for Domestic Battery. Officers transported Shaffer to the Sweetwater County Detention Center and completed a report of the incident.

At 9:13 p.m., officers responded to the Embassy Tavern at 77 E Railroad Avenue for a citizens assist. Officers met with an individual who reported safety concerns. Officers gathered information, offered assistance, and completed a report of the incident.

April 8

At 11:21 a.m., officers responded to the area of N 5 East Street for the report of an individual that was trespassing on the property and entering camper trailers. Officers located the subject inside one of the campers. At the request of the property owner, officers issued a trespass warning and completed a report of the incident.

At 1:10 p.m., officers responded to a report of domestic violence. Officers met with the individuals in an altercation. Officers gathered information and completed a report of the incident.

April 9

At 6:32 a.m., officers were dispatched to the area of Stratton Myers Park on Bridger Drive for a report of a vehicle that was partially submerged in the water. Upon arrival, officers observed a vehicle that appeared to be partially in the water, contacted the registered owner of the vehicle, and advised of the incident. Officers had the vehicle towed and completed a report of the incident.

At 3:51 p.m., officers responded to the area of Hitching Post Drive and Monroe Avenue for a report of a two-vehicle collision. It was reported one vehicle was stopped at the stop sign on Hitching Post facing north and was subsequently rear-ended by a second vehicle. Officers gathered information, issued the driver of the second vehicle, Jose Garcia, of Green River, a citation for alleged inattentive driving with a crash, and completed a report of the incident.


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