Letter to the Editor: Parental rights under attack

Dear Editor,

Parental rights seem to be under attack, even here in Wyoming!

I was appalled to see the report in the January 25, 2023 Star Valley Independent which cited opposition to the Parental Rights Bill SF0117 by the Wyoming Education Association, an association that one would assume has significant influence on what goes on in our public schools. I went to their website and found this statement on their bill tracker page: “This bill is counter to the WEA Legislative Platform regarding Safe and Just Schools. This bill is essentially Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Health experts note that when a person’s identity becomes politicized or the point of debate, it can be dehumanizing, increases stigma, increases stress and be damaging for impressionable, vulnerable young people. This can lead to withdraw from normal activities and exacerbate suicide and depression for a student population already at high risk.”

I understand this statement to be referring to students’ rights to be affirmed in their gender identity or sexual orientation choices in our public schools, even if this is against a parent’s consent. Apparently, the WEA doesn’t trust parents to make the right decisions for their children. Does this raise any red flags in your mind? Do you hear alarm bells ringing?

SF0117 merely seeks to protect a parent’s right to be notified and requires a parent’s consent before a school could affirm a student’s choices in these and other important matters concerning their health and well-being.

At the time of this writing, the bill has passed in the Wyoming Senate and is being introduced in the House. Hopefully it will pass there, as well. I would encourage everyone to become informed about these issues and make sure that parents’ rights concerning their children’s education continue to be safeguarded in our state.

Margaret Tueller

Afton, WY


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