Letter to the Editor: Lummis should be censored for supporting "Respect for Marriage" act

Dear Editor,

US Senator Lummis voted YES on H.R. 8404, which is falsely titled the “Respect for Marriage Act.”

There were many reasons to oppose this bill. One is that they disrespect marriage (a God-ordained institution) by seeking to change its meaning.

Since our nation’s founding documents -- the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights -- are based on the premise that rights come from God, H.R. 8404 are antithetical to our nation’s values.

H.R. 8404 also was unconstitutional, since marriage is a state matter, not a federal one, under the Constitution.

James Madison, the father of the Constitution, said that while the states have wide latitude in the types of laws they pass (under the federal system of government the Constitution created), the powers of the United States government are “few and defined.” The areas in which the Constitution allows Congress to make laws are “defined” and listed in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. Defining marriage is not one of those powers.

One of the biggest ways Elected Officials lose credibility is not representing the voters that placed them in office. The best way to gain credibility is by holding people accountable. Silence means consent.

People all over the state are watching to see what is considered acceptable to the voters. I hope this abuse of US Senator Lummis’s oath of Office is dealt with swiftly and firmly.

Please take the time to contact your local Republican Precinct Committeeman or Woman and ask them to support a resolution to censor US Senator Lummis.

Rick Martin

Laramie, Wyoming


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