Woman's Club hears from Inside Connections, discusses upcoming holiday events

The general meeting of the Woman’s Club of Rock Springs was held on November 15, at White Mountain Library. This luncheon meeting was hosted by Jennie Malonek who brought turkey, stuffing and sweet potatoes. Members brought a variety of vegetables and desserts.

Our speaker was Kim Seymour from Inside Connections. The members learned about the support given to expectant women through this program. The women are counseled on the options available to them and then given whatever support they need based on their individual decisions. The center is located at 731 C St. Building B in Rock Springs. They can also do pregnancy testing, limited obstetrical ultrasound to those qualifying, education options, abortion pill reversal after the first pill only, post abortion support and help after the baby is born. There is a boutique inside with diapers, formula and many other items for babies needs. They are a nonprofit and depend on donations to carry out their programs. They may be reached at 307-362-5277. The club donated $25.

Holliday House was a major topic of conversation as it is fast approaching on December 2 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and December 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 3701 Clydesdale in Rock Springs. Members were encouraged to sell tickets for the 22 raffle items available plus one separate raffle for a beautiful Christmas Village. These may be seen on our Facebook page Woman’s Club of Rock Springs-GFWC-Wyoming. Members will also have crafts and baked goods for sale at the house. Admission is $5 with 12 and under free. The owner will have refreshments and a Christmas movie going in the theater room. The Praise Team will be caroling at the event. The hosts are Dan and Stephanie Madsen.

The club is also working on signing Christmas cards for the military. Edna Larsen also asked the members to write cards to be given to the nursing homes  and their staff in Green River and Rock Springs.

Special Olympic Scarves and hats will be turned in by December 21 and mailed to Jackson for the Winter Special Olympics.

The members are donating items to Head Start and the Green River 4H club for their Christmas Stores. The Headstart store is free to families with children going to Headstart and will be available to families of both Rock Springs and Green River. It will be located at Overland School in Rock Springs, the new home of Head Start. The 4H store is free as well.

Members will also be decorating trees at the Rock Springs Historical Museum on November 30. The decorations used are ones used by the club for many years and are stored at the museum.

Those in attendance were: Speaker Kim Seymour, Guests Joan Fowler and Karla Thibeault, Members Maggie Chate, Cindy Moore, Jennie Malonek, Edna Larsen, Marianne Gatti, Vi Gessner, Marcia Volner, Edie Nicholas, Jacki Allison, Betty Jean Carter, Leslie Jo Gatti, Kimberly Kellum and Susan Arguello.


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