Letter to the Editor: Calling a Convention of States

Dear Editor,

What can be done about the behemoth of the federal government, regulation and corporate overreach?

My generation has allowed the deterioration of freedoms we took for granted as kids. The unholy alliance of Big Government, Big Pharma, and the Military-Industrial complex, usurp our freedoms, leaving us feeling powerless to effect changes.

We elect individuals who promise to reduce government size and reach; sadly, they’ve failed us. The federal bureaucracy and “lifers” in Congress will never reduce government, limit their time there or spend wisely. This is not a partisan issue; most Americans are frustrated with the overreach of the federal government and their unwillingness to apply the laws they pass to themselves.

Thankfully, the framers of the Constitution included a provision in Article V to return power to We the People. Article V provides for states to call a Convention of States to consider potential amendments to the Constitution, bypassing the federal government.

Two-thirds of our states (34) must submit applications through their state legislatures to have such a convention called. Each of the states’ applications must cover the same topics. Any amendments emerging from that convention must be returned to the states to ratify or reject. Three-fourths of all states (38) must ratify an amendment for it to become part of the Constitution.

“Convention of States,” begun in 2013, is a grassroots effort for Americans to take back their government. Decisions regarding your family should be yours, not made by disconnected politicians and bureaucrats in DC.

To date, nineteen states have passed the Convention of States application; Wyoming has not yet passed the application, but will consider it during the 2023 legislative session.

The framers knew that one day the federal government would overstep its bounds and gave us the legal, peaceful and constitutional provision in Article V of the Constitution to 1) limit the federal government in terms of spending, 2) initiate term limits, and 3) limit the powers and jurisdiction that encroach upon states and the lives of our citizens.

Help Wyoming demonstrate its love of freedom by supporting the Convention of States legislation. Call or email your state representatives and express your desire to have this opportunity for We the People to make our voices heard.

Helene Belisle



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