Letter to the Editor: Secretary of State needs to maintain authority

Dear Editor,

Since the August 16th Primary elections some members in our Wyoming legislature are conspiring to limit the authority of the Secretary of State. I feel as if those in our State Legislature that want to do this are stripping “We The People” of this great state of our vote. We voted for Chuck Gray and do not see a need for any reason for the Secretary of State to have some of their authority taken away from that position and handed to other positions.

Rep. Dan Zwonitzer, co-chair of the Joint Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Committee, made the motion to draft a bill which would strip the Secretary of State of their sole authority to oversee elections. If this bill gets introduced and passed, elections will be overseen by a new (Governor appointed) agency. An elections department, or Agency, or Commission. This would take us the people out of deciding who oversees our elections. The committee approved Zwantizer’s motion to draft the bill shortly after the August 16th primary.

My question is why? The Secretary of State has held the sole duty to oversee elections since Wyoming gained statehood in 1890. So why now? Because Chuck Gray said he wants to make sure Wyoming continues to have secure elections?

I just find it quite surprising some in the Wyoming legislature want to take our Chief Election Officers power to oversee elections away. This almost makes me wonder if those in our legislature wanting to do this want unsecure elections. What are they scared of? A guy that says he wants secure elections?

We voted for Chuck Gray because he stands on the same issues we stand for. I do not think it is right for some members in our legislature to try to override the choices made by the constituents who they work for. I do not feel it is right for them to try to change the job of Secretary of State for their gain. We the people of Wyoming voted for Chuck Gray, and believe he should not have his say in elections overridden.

As Per Article 3 Section 46 of our State Constitution Tara Nethercott, who ran against Chuck Gray in the Primaries, cannot vote on this subject. She has no say in taking away the Secretary of States powers. Article 3 Section 46 states. “A member who has a personal or private interest in any measure or bill proposed or pending, before the legislature shall disclose the fact to the house of which he is a member and shall not vote thereon.” Tara has a special interest because she ran against Chuck for the Secretary of State position. Tara is also on of the Joint Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Committee so if she voted to approve the motion to draft the bill, she is already in violation of Article 3 Section 46.

I personally think those in our state that are trying to draft this bill have a personal vendetta against Chuck. Not just based on his concerns that we need to keep our elections secure. I think this stems from the fact Chuck Gray was endorsed by President Donald Trump. So, pay attention to those in the Joint Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Committee. It is only obvious a majority of that committee consists of “Never Trumper’s.” Also pay attention if this bill goes any further and gets voted on. Those in our Legislature who vote and agree with this are not only stripping our Secretary of State of some of his duties, but they are stripping us of our vote for him. If any of those in our legislature are in your district, I strongly suggest voting them out.

I urge you to contact your local representatives and let them know this is wrong.

Jeremiah Jensen



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