Bring on the Pink! It's time to paint our town pink

Bring on the pink! It’s time to paint our towns.

Sweetwater Regional Cancer Center staff would like to invite the community to help kick off Paint the Town Pink as we proclaim October Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A series of events will take place including the annual decorating contests among Rock Springs and Green River businesses.

Paint the Town Pink will kick off with The City of Rock Springs on Monday, Oct. 3, with a community ribbon-tying event from 4-6 p.m. and a proclamation for the community at 5:30 p.m. at the Mayor’s Tree downtown. Rock Springs community members are invited to tie a ribbon to show support and learn about screenings.

The City of Green River ribbon ceremony will be Tuesday, Oct.4, from 4-6 p.m. at the clock tower downtown and proclamation at 5:30 p.m. Green River residents are encouraged to join us by tying a ribbon to our Paint the Town Pink display to support the fighters, survivors and remembering those taken by all cancers.

Additionally, both Rock Springs and Green River businesses are encouraged to participate in our annual Paint the Town Pink Breast Cancer Awareness campaign by decorating their storefronts in pink during October. Businesses with the best decorations will be awarded a trophy at the end of October, along with bragging rights for the rest of the year.

Two winners – one in Rock Springs and one in Green River – will be chosen. The public will have a chance to vote online for their favorite storefront decor in each city.

Here’s how it works: Businesses decorate their storefronts promoting breast cancer prevention and awareness. An innovative display is not only a way to win the contest, but it’s a great way to let your customers know you support the cause.

Businesses have until midnight Monday, Oct. 19, to enter. Send one, high-resolution photo of your storefront to Include the name of the business, street address, city, and phone number. Keep in mind, only one photo will be used in the online public voting.

Voting will be open to the public for 36 hours from Oct. 23-25. The hospital Facebook page will launch two separate contests, one for Green River businesses and another for Rock Springs businesses, at @MHSChealthcare. You will be able to simply swipe through the photos and like just one. The winners will be announced Oct. 31 and recognition and a traveling trophy will be awarded.

These events are made possible through a grant from the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative and support from Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County and the Memorial Hospital Foundation.

For more information, check out the news page at


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