Letter to the Editor: The loss of "nobody" is important

Dear Editor,

I am just a nobody but if I was a someone that would be listened to, I would ask that people consider more regarding what their values could have in regards to a person’s life.

Anyone who has been in trouble with the law knows that you gotta pay to play. What if a person wasn’t playing? What if a person could not pay?

To treat human beings like cattle and use them to make money is wrong but that is most local government’s “cash cow.” Excuse the pun.

As I said, I am a nobody but I would like to believe that somebody would notice if that nobody was gone and I don’t just mean the somebody that exaggerated charges to ensure that nobody remained in his/her pen that the federal government paid the state to hold. Somebody misses that nobody now that he committed suicide because now that’s one less cow that somebody gets to collect on.

Nobody could not see the hope or light at the end of his tunnel because of all the cattle he was housed with going through similar situations with no hope for relief or no family that were there for him.

We lost an inmate who was somebody to all the other nobodies he was housed with. Why? Who is really running things and are they lawyers or ranchers?

Keith A. Morgan

Sweetwater County Detention Center


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