Taxidermist ordered to pay fines and restitution

A local taxidermist has been ordered to pay restitution to several clients following an investigation by Wyoming Game and Fish Department Game Wardens. The investigation began in April 2021 after Game Warden Kim Olson reported to Game Warden Kelli Pauling that the owner of White Mountain Skulls, Naomie Martinez, had failed to submit her records for 2020. Martinez had also failed to renew her taxidermist license for 2021. Game Warden Pauling contacted Martinez who was in possession of over seventy unfinished taxidermy specimens. 

During the course of the investigation Game and Fish wardens learned that Martinez's husband, Julian, had purchased a Utah resident turkey license in April, 2018 and subsequently purchased a Wyoming resident deer license in September, 2018. In January, 2022 Julian Martinez pleaded guilty to making a false statement to obtain his deer license, he was fined $750 and sentenced to six months unsupervised probation. 

Naomie Martinez was charged as a taxidermist operating without a license, a taxidermist who failed to submit records in a timely manner, and ship/transport game without game tag within Wyoming. In January, 2022 Naomie Martinez pleaded guilty to failing to submit records, and ship\transport without a game tag within Wyoming. Naomie Martinez was fined $435.00 and will pay restitution to clients/victims totaling $2,858.55. She was also placed on twelve months unsupervised probation. The charge for operating without a license was dismissed.

The majority of the wildlife specimens seized during the investigation have been returned to their legal owners who were able to claim their property by producing photos from the field which were compared to the specimens seized from Martinez. Game and Fish has been unable to identify the owners of 3 skulls with antlers that were part of this case.

If you are missing property that you had left in the care of White Mountain Skulls, please contact the Green River Regional Office at 307-875-3223.


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