Letter: Legislature should stop telling women what to do with their bodies

Dear Editor,

There is NO relationship more intimate than pregnancy.

Since we can’t yet even agree on when life begins, we each will have our own perspectives, assign our own meanings and decide by our own measures where we stand on this hot-button issue. It should be clear and certain that both the choice and the consequences belong to each woman based upon her own particular circumstances, not to you legislators. This is not, repeat, NOT a group decision!

Men are, of course, entitled to their opinions, and that’s it. We’re not asserting that you’re wrong in your beliefs, but insisting on the “right” to force unwanted pregnancies is a naked attempt to dominate women. “Keep ‘em barefoot and pregnant.” That’s not freedom. That’s oppression.THAT’S BONDAGE!

It’s not unreasonable to conclude that you care more about what’s “not-yet” than what’s ‘here-and-now.’ Some of you appear hell-bent on making criminals of women who oppose your dictates. Every law of this land that attempts to regulate only female bodies should be repealed until male bodies are equally policed. Women are forced to fiercely contest all anti-choice reproductive proposals. You see, this isn’t a matter of trust. It’s a demand for RESPECT. We’re still fighting for full personhood under the law.

The hypocrisy of anti-abortionists galls. To how many abandoned children have they given foster care? How many nights spent in an emergency room without insurance? How many pairs of shoes bought and distributed? How much tuition contributed to even one high school grad? Let’s not kid ourselves here. They’re NOT pro-life. They’re merely PRO-BIRTH!

There’s one vow that tops your oath of office. THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH. Quit, JUST QUIT BULLYING DOCTORS!!!

Anyway, when lawmakers try to insert themselves between a woman and her physician, isn’t that essentially a violation of doctor/patient privilege? Just because you think you can do something doesn’t mean you should.

The Supreme Court has ruled decisively. If you’re making this matter partisan, then you’re not fulfilling your oath of office. I think Albany County’s Senator Rothfuss positively nailed it. “Perhaps we’re intruding on a place where government doesn’t belong.”

Geri Maria Johnson



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