Letter: Abortion and the government's role in personal welfare

Dear Editor,

The government has no obligation to protect you from death. That fact is well known and quite logical and enforced by the courts since time immemorial let alone during the minuscule lifetime of the United States. The fact of the matter is for the state to protect you they would have to supply every human with a protector which cannot be done because who’s going to protect the protectors?

It is your obligation to maintain your life and in order to interfere with that the government must have a compelling interest in allowing you to die or suffer severe mental anguish due to a pregnancy. It has nothing to do with a woman’s right to have an abortion it has everything to do with the fact that the government has no compelling interest in requiring women to die in childbirth or childbearing or suffer from extreme mental anguish in childbearing or childbirth.

Think about it, the government cannot force you to hold a gun to your head for nine months in the hopes that you don’t somehow accidentally trigger it and kill yourself.

And while there is no “per se” right to have an abortion in the U.S. Constitution there is an absolute “per se” OBLIGATION that the government, both federal and state, “promote the general Welfare” which includes the right of the people to protect and maintain their own life as they see fit since the government has admitted they are incapable of doing that. (See the US Constitution Preamble)

There are several other things to consider. If the government wishes to say that at conception a human is formed then women, to protect their own life, health, and welfare, can “trespass” that human from their body and simply turn it over to any safe haven agency to provide all services necessary to maintain that human until custody is given to somebody else. In the case where the government wants to ignore centuries of common law that would be the accepted way of dealing with humans that cannot maintain their own life in our society as we already do that right now.

And no, one human being is not allowed to endanger another just because that human being has some limited abilities. The government requires that YOU maintain YOUR life and you have no obligation to maintain other humans lives any more than the government has an obligation to maintain anyone’s life.

And there can be no compelling interest in forcing a person to die in the hopes of some outcome that is not guaranteed.

Bruce Williams



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