Take advantage of the lessons learned

Albert Einstein was one of the great intellects of our time. Throughout his life, he never stopped being curious and never stopped learning. As brilliant as he was, he always learned from his past, asked questions and looked forward to the future.

One of his famous quotes, and one he believed in and lived every day, was: "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."

In light of what we have all been through over the past two years, I think we can all relate to this. Living through a pandemic has been hard to say the least. What we learned from yesterday is that we are strong. When things became difficult, we found ways to work together to overcome challenges and turned negatives into positives. We never stopped learning and we never stopped questioning. We can never stop learning from our past because it is what shapes our future.

My personal mantra is "learn from everything." There is always a lesson to be learned or a way to do things better. As we move into a new year, we should always strive to take advantage of the lessons we have learned from the past.

While we reflect on our past, we cannot forget to also live in the moment and live for today. What we do today will someday become our past and, also, what we do today will help shape our future. The world is changing. We need to change with it. We have opportunities every day to ask questions and learn and to also create our future story.

The past taught us what is valuable in life and that we shouldn't worry about things we can't control. The present allows us to live for the day and appreciate the benefits of the lessons we have learned from the past and live in the moment. Take the time to be with the people who make you smile and enjoy doing what you love. Enjoy doing what you believe in. Live for what makes you happy.

The future is unwritten and gives us the opportunity to learn from our past, build on the present and create a better tomorrow. Hope is a good thing. We should always strive to hope that no matter how bad or good today is, tomorrow will be better.

Here at the hospital, we never stop learning about and questioning how to make things better in an effort to help improve the lives of our patients.

We use our past experiences, we address the reality of the present situation we are faced with, and we continue to hope for a better tomorrow. By embracing the importance of how our past affects our future, we have had the opportunity to greatly improve the services we offer.

Our walk-in clinic offers extended hours to our patients, which helps our emergency department manage more urgent and emergent patients. We have expanded our dialysis services by offering peritoneal dialysis, which can be done safely at home.

Our clinics now include more than a dozen specialties. By offering more opportunities for health fairs and more services at those health fairs, our patients can be proactive in managing their health and we can help them create a better future for themselves.

We know we can't move ahead if we keep looking back, but when our past offers lessons we can learn from, sometimes it's helpful to look back for a minute, adjust accordingly and look to the future.


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