Radio play will raise money for thespian festival trip

Community members join student performers for one-night play

The Green River High School Theater Department will bring some extra Christmas cheer to the community this week to help support local students attending the Wyoming State Thespian Festival next week.

The theater department will present “A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play” for a special one-night-only performance Friday night.

The theater students attending the state festival will be helping with the show, but will play background characters, while the main roles will be performed by community leader guest stars, according to GRHS Theater Director Bradlee Skinner. The theater department asked for community members and leaders to volunteer to be a part of the play and “take a stab at getting back up on stage again, something maybe they haven’t done for a few years,” Skinner said.

Community members starring in the show include Steve Schwartz, the assistant principal at the high school, as Ebenezer Scrooge; Steve Core, the city of Green River communications administrator and a member of the Sweetwater County School District No. 2 board, as the narrator; Brian Mahonovich, manager at Ace Hardware, as Jacob Marley; and other educators from the school district in other roles.

Because the production is a radio play, the actors will have their scripts in hand and focus on voice acting. The cast also only had one rehearsal before performing.

“We’re just gonna have fun with it,” Skinner said.

“A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play” will be at 7 p.m. Dec. 3.

The one-time performance will have an in-person audience and will also be livestreamed on the “Green River High School Theatre” Facebook page and through YouTube.

The show will be around one hour long.

The performance and livestream will be available for free, but the theater department is asking those who attend or watch to consider donating to help support the theater students attending the State Thespian Festival.

The festival is Dec. 9-11 at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne and roughly two dozen Green River High School students will be attending and performing their one-act play “Lockdown” for the state competition.


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