Letter: Residents should wear masks, get vaccinated

Dear Editor,

The health of the children and adults in Wyoming should be the current number one priority of the State of Wyoming. Our hospital ICU beds and emergency rooms are full or nearing capacity. These emergency rooms and ICU beds are occupied by a majority of unvaccinated individuals. Consequently, all people who depend on hospital services risk receiving less than optimum care, having to wait for care, or being turned away. Hospital staff are being required to prioritize admittance in Idaho.

Will Wyoming hospitals need to adopt these same protocols? Those who spread COVID by failing to wear a mask in public or getting vaccinated to slow the spread of COVID are unconscionable.

It is highly unlikely that any law will be passed and upheld requiring wearing masks or getting vaccinations. Nevertheless, these recommendations are vital for public health. Please do everything possible to support wearing masks and getting vaccinated. The outcome of COVID continuing to spread presents a bleak outcome for many individuals; lingering health issues and death may result from COVID. If any of these individuals are your family member, child, or close friend, you may regret your failure to strongly support or even mandate simple health suggestions: vaccinate, mask up, and social distance.

Russell Smith

Green River


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