GHSC hopes to balance safety and staying open 

As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise throughout Sweetwater County, Golden Hour Senior Center is working to both keep people safe and continue to offer meals and activities. 

Although the senior center was open and operating at full capacity for a while, the decision was made to go back to previous restrictions and precautions at the beginning of September. GHSC is now requiring masks, practicing distancing and limiting the number of people who can participate in activities. The decision was based on watching the rise in COVID-19 cases in Sweetwater County and being aware of what is happening at the hospital, according to GHSC Executive Director Jackie Grubb.

“We are always concerned about our seniors,” Grubb said.

She believes the pandemic has harmed them more than other age groups. With this in mind, Grubb and the staff at GHSC wanted to find a careful and considerate balance with the response to the recent rise in cases. The main concern was that the center wouldn’t be able to stay open without putting precautions in place. But closing was something GHSC hoped to avoid for the sake of the seniors the center serves.

“We worry about social isolation,” Grubb said.

She said many of the seniors who come to GHSC live alone. If the center were to close or cancel activities, many seniors would have to stay home and have no social interaction or connection with other people. Returning to restrictions was the price of keeping the center open and continuing to give seniors a place to go to stay connected.

Seniors who go to GHSC have responded positively to the safety precautions, Grubb said. Most have been understanding and many have even requested restrictions be put in place. Grubb said the seniors are concerned for their own health and safety and don’t want to participate in activities that could put them at risk. However, they also don’t want the center to close. They would rather wear a mask than not be able to come, Grubb said.

With precautions in place and the staff keeping an eye on the COVID situation, GHSC continues to offer meals and activities for seniors. Only one event has been canceled so far. The center planned to host a fundraiser dinner and casino night later this month, but Grubb said they felt they wouldn’t be able to safely hold it with the amount of people planned to attend. However, other regular activities and programs continue to be held. Lunch is also served at the center and curbside meals are available.


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