Our View: Please don't use ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 symptoms

That headline says it all, doesn’t it?

Somehow, a drug used to treat parasitic worms in the intestinal tract has become a sought-after commodity in treating COVID-19. Reports from throughout the United States claim people are buying the livestock-grade doses of the drug from feed shops or seeking prescriptions to keep on hand in case they contract COVID-19. Even the company producing the drug has issued a statement that it isn’t meant to combat or prevent symptoms from COVID-19. However, we also know people have at least inquired about the drug at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County.

Not even the writers at the satirical publication the Onion could have dreamed up a sudden interest in deworming medication to fight COVID-19.

The issue at the heart of all of this is a unfortunate and fanatical mistrust in scientifically-grounded information and experts in general. We’re not fond of the term “conspiracy theory,” but many of the misinformative rabbit holes out there begin with the premise that the information contained within is something “they don’t want you to know.” And far too many people are willing to open up those Pandora’s Boxes and take in everything they find.

No, ivermectin won’t prevent or treat COVID-19. It doesn’t take a medical degree to imagine that those taking the drug for that purpose are going to be in for a very bad time. The massive spike in Utah Poison Control Center calls about ivermectin is proof enough of that.

It’s time to begin listening to the authoritative experts regarding our health and dismissing the snake oil charlatans, misinformed mommy bloggers and tinfoil-hatted conspiracy theorist. The folks peddling secret or alternative treatments are in it for something other than a desire to help.

The undisputed facts are these:

Masks work at lessening coronavirus transmission so long as everyone is willing to wear them. Vaccinations are the best way of preventing COVID-19 infection and serious symptoms to those who end up contracting it after vaccination.

Listen to your doctor. Listen to the experts; not the Facebook groups or info warriors who tout underground treatments and cures.


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