Letter: Greenbelt volunteers plan Sept. 11 clean up

Dear Editor,

Last week there was a timely editorial about showing support for the Green Belt!

A clean up of the Green Belt is already scheduled for Sept. 11. Since this is the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, it has been designated as A National Day of Service. Plans have been made with the City of Green River, the Parks and Recreation Department, the Greenbelt Taskforce, the Green River Chamber of Commerce and the citizens of Green River for the Greenbelt clean up. People are encouraged to do clean up on the 12 miles of trail anytime during the week of Sept. 6 - 10, with a concerted effort on the 11th.

On the 11th at 8 a.m. check in will be available at the parking lot of Stratton Myers Park. Please bring gloves and trash bags. Maps will be available. There will be dumpsters provided by Wyoming Waste Management for the whole week for disposal of waste. Those dumpsters will be located at Expedition Island, the horse corrals, Stratton Myers Park and Scott’s Bottom.

As this is the 30th year of the Greenbelt this can be a chance for families, school groups, faith groups and individuals to show our appreciation for this great addition to our community.

There are other ways to serve the community for 9/11. Those opportunities can be found on justserve.org. Please take the time to check out that site, get registered and make a difference in our community.

Patsy Sorensen

Green River


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