Gore responds to articles

A “hit piece” is an article, documentary, etc. that deliberately tries to make somebody/something look bad by presenting information about them that appears to be true and accurate but actually is not. -- Oxford Learners Dictionary

On June 25, 2021 The New York Times published a hit piece that tried to make my good name look bad. The content was unfamiliar to me. Wyoming’s press reported “stun and dismay” as they ran with it; fury in social media turned up the volume. This attempted character assassination targeted me and also affected my friends, family and colleagues. Malice invaded the climate of civil discourse in Wyoming.

What appeared to be true and accurate was actually neither true nor accurate. There are no grounds for the supposed, conjectured and alleged legal or ethical trespasses insinuated by two Times journalists. This is much ado about nothing -- like a hamburger that makes your mouth water, but when you pick it up for a bite, you discover that the bun is empty. It’s a nothingburger. And as we all know, anything without substance doesn’t exist.

Anyone can be targeted, including you. Truth is irrelevant, no problem. Bits of facts, real or fabricated, are taken out of context and inserted into a script that serves the purpose of the propagandist. Then the story is broadcast by an “authoritative” source such as New York journalists. Those are the three elements in disinformation. With bits of fact, a script, and an authoritative source, a story can appear to be true and accurate even if it is actually not. We need to be aware of these deceptive tactics, protect ourselves from them, and counter them.

“Never answer the devil” is good advice. An innocent husband rightly remains silent when asked, “When did you stop beating your wife?” It’s easy to accuse and stir up trouble.

It doesn’t matter if you came to Wyoming yesterday. What matters is the sort of person you choose to be. As far as I know the Shoshoni were first. My folks came in the 1850s to 1880s. My mother grew up on a ranch near Evanston. I have relatives, children and grandchildren in Wyoming. I am not from out of state.

I am here to stay. I will continue to back good policy that protects the spirit of Wyoming and the intentions of Wyoming’s people. God knows we need truth, not lies!

Stand up and speak the truth. Wyoming needs you.


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