Chow Down charity event set in RS

A group of Sweetwater County local nonprofits have teamed up for a WyoGives Day fundraising event, Charity Chow Down. Taking place at Bunning Park in Rock Springs on July 14 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., food trucks will be in the park and donating 10% of proceeds to the event. These will be split evenly among the nonprofits.

The second annual WyoGives Day takes place July 14. WyoGives, a 24-hour online day of giving, is an initiative of the Wyoming Nonprofit Network. It is designed to bring the state together as one community to raise funds and awareness for Wyoming nonprofits. By visiting, individuals can search for a specific organization or by county or city to invest in causes they care about.

Charity Chow Down was created in celebration of WyoGives.

“We encourage businesses to allow their employees a little extra time on their lunch hour that day or to even buy them lunch to support the event,” event coordinator Chelsey Lipka said in a media release about the event.

The participating nonprofits will be in attendance with information and activities until 6:30 p.m. At 7 p.m., the Rock Springs municipal government will host Concert in the Park with a performance by Stones Throe.

“We’ve already had some good buzz about Charity Chow Down. We are hoping to make it an annual event. Local nonprofits keep getting asked to do more with less and at some point, that just isn’t possible. The goal is to raise awareness about local programs who provide so much to our community while raising funds to help them continue their work. Many of these charities have a very limited staff, so working together to have a larger event is amazing. I don’t know of another event that benefits these many nonprofits at once,” Kelly Frink, executive director of United Way of Southwest Wyoming said in a press release.


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