Women's club hosts installation

The Woman’s Club of Rock Springs, part of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, met on May 18 at White Mountain Mining for a dinner meeting and installation ceremony.

Officers installed were President - April Dittman, Vice President - Cindy Wakefield, Secretary- Gloria Skiles, Treasurer - Leslie Jo Gatti, Corresponding Secretary - Maggie Choate, Auditors - Judy Litchfield and Edna Larsen. The ceremony chosen by April Dittman and done by past president Marcia Volner was a comparison of the club to a flower garden.

April Dittman was given a rose bush symbolic of the capacity for giving and love, She was warned she may come up against a few “thorns” but to keep on loving and leading the members. Cindy Wakefield the Vice President was given a lilac for friendship and courage.

Recording Secretary Gloria Skiles was given pansies symbolizing finesse and tact as the keeper of the records. Corresponding secretary Maggie Choate was given a sunflower/gerber daisy a brilliant symbol of constancy. Leslie Jo Gatti as the treasurer was given an ivy for being a loyal and friendly servant working in our garden. Judy Litchfield and Edna Larsen were given tulips symbols of purity and steadfastness.

All of the plants were alive and will be able to be planted as requested by April, who values conservation and protecting our environment. Members were reminded of their importance as the other flowers in our garden as the whole is not complete without the many other flowers in our membership.

The club was also honored to initiate Debra McGarvey into our club. Members look forward to having her as a member.

Tina Shalata was given her 20-year pin by President Edna Larsen.

Awards won at state convention were displayed on a table for members to see what they received for their dedication and hard work for the community over the past year .

Hostesses Marcia Volner and Michelle Smith decorated the tables with old fashioned lady figurines, lace tablecloths, silver candelabras, and pearl light strings. Vases of flowers from Albertsons also adorned the table and were given out as prizes at the end. Each member received a cameo necklace. Thank you to White Mountain Mining for our delicious meals enjoyed by all.

Honored guests were the GFWC-WY State President Nancy Kaufman and President Elect Trish Peoples. Also in attendance were Betty Lou Auld, Betty Jean Carter, Vi Gessner, Kimberly Kellum, Carlene Larsen, Debra Palmer, Jacki Allison, Cindy Moore, Kelly Sugihara, and Michelle Smith.


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