Impeachment demonstrates left-wing hypocrisy in action

President Trump now has the dubious distinction of being the only President to have been impeached twice, this time for “incitement of insurrection. There was no due process or presenting of facts, just representatives stating opinions. This was a personality contest — and he lost.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s unsigned opinion, handed down in 1969, stated advocacy could be punished only “where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action.” Did President Trump’s speech meet that high bar? Apparently, it is OK for Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to call for more riots and then bailing out the rioters, or when congresswoman Ayanna Presslet urged liberals to continue rioting, along with many other instances, and all on camera.

The hypocrisy is stunning but, by now, predictable. Sadly, mainstream media journalists rarely, if ever, call them out and are thus complicit by their silence. But it gets worse.

There is a corporate purge going on of conservative voices by the tens of thousands. Simon and Shuster have canceled Republican Senator Josh Hawlings’ book deal. YouTube is removing podcasts they claim are violating their terms of service because “They” have decided what is true. Also, media has arguably influenced the election results by not reporting important stories such as the Hunter Biden Burisma bungle and its connection to President-elect Joe Biden.

There is a saying which goes, “A lie can go around the world twice by the time truth ties its shoelaces.”

This country’s elected officials, except for a few brave souls, have demonstrated their allegiance to the Constitution is secondary to their own feelings and party loyalty. With the Democrats in control of the government soon, we will see what democratic socialism looks like. They have control of the media; next it will be the attack on the 2nd Amendment.

Patriots and freedom lovers, regardless of political stripe, need to stand together and resist this tyranny.


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