Commissioners host in-person meetings

A meeting Friday at the Sweetwater County Courthouse represented the first in-person meeting the county commissioners hosted since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wyoming last year.

This was courtesy of a massive renovation to the commissioners; meeting room that allows for more space between the commissioners themselves, as well as better access to technology and up-to-date-services.

“There’s no better way to have a good meeting than being present in person,” Sweetwater County Commissioner Randy Wendling said.

Prior to that, the commissioners would host virtual meetings as a means of ensuring proper distancing amongst themselves. They would either travel to the courthouse and meet from their closed personal offices or join from their homes or other personal offices.

According to Gene Legerski, director of public works for the county, work finished two weeks ago and resulted in an office, a bathroom and a janitorial closet being demolished to renovate the space.

Work took two months to accomplish, not including time spent by workers waiting for materials to arrive, which Legerski said took another two months. The project cost approximately $42,000.

Aside from a technological upgrade, the room was given a more modern look as well.

“We pulled the panelling down and gave the room a facelift,” Legerski said. “I’ll be way better for the public.”

Wendling said the state fire marshal’s office approved occupancy last week, which led to the commissioners using it for a meeting Friday. While the chairs inside the room are set up to accommodate social distancing guidelines, Wendling said they will add more seats when they’re allowed to. Due to the room’s technological upgrades, overflow capacity can be accommodated in the Castle Rock Room across the hall from the meeting room.

The renovations were funded through federal CARES Act grant money provided to help deal with impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Wendling said the room also allows residents better access to their meetings because it gives them the ability to continue streaming the meetings.


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