First baby of 2021 born

Sweetwater County's first baby of the new year put as much distance as possible between him and 2020.

Eamonn Leo Moore was born at 11:15 p.m. Jan. 3, 2021, to Brittany and Camden Moore of Rock Springs. He came into the world at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County weighing 8 pounds, 14.8 ounces, and measuring 21 inches. This is the Moore's first baby. Sweetwater Memorial gave the new family a basket and several bags of goodies including $100 Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce gift certificate, a $75 Eve's gift certificate, an MHSC travel mug, teethers, cloth books, blankets, towels, washcloths, a safety kit, a nightlight, dozens of toys and much more.

Eamonn is the grandson of Constance Clark and William Moore, both of Georgia, and Monica Moore-Wilson and John Moore, both of Florida.


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