Next priority group named for vaccines

The Wyoming Department of Health has determined its next group for priority COVID-19 vaccinations, which will include teachers and people older than 70 years of age and preparations to vaccinate them are moving ahead.

The 1B classifications were released Thursday afternoon, though a focus remains on the 1A group as vaccine doses are delivered to Wyoming.

“Right now, we remain focused on Phase 1A priorities throughout the state,” Dr. Alexia Harrist, state health officer and state epidemiologist with WDH, said in a press release.

The 1B group were selected as people whose work preserves social operation, according to the press release.

For Sweetwater County School District No. 2, it means teachers will be amongst the first outside of emergency responders and medical workers to protect themselves against the novel coronavirus.

“We are looking forward to our opportunity to get vaccinated,” Craig Barringer, superintendent of the SWCSD #2 said.

He said the district plans to host a shot clinic similar to what it does with the annual flu vaccines.

The clinic will be hosted at the boardroom at the district’s central office.

“Those that want to get vaccinated will sign up for a time and we hope that the vaccinations can be given by our school nurses,” he said. “This plan is tentative based on the guidance we get from the health department.”

Monday evening, Sweetwater County Public Health announced the organization is working on plans to deliver vaccines to people in the 1B group, but admits it may take a long time to get everyone vaccinated because of the limited quantities available.

“There are not enough doses available in Sweetwater County to administer to everyone in the 1B group,” Sweetwater County Public Health Director Kim Lionberger said. “There are way more people than what we have vaccine for. Not everyone will get the vaccine this week or even next week. There is a process. There is not a waiting list.”

She said prioritization for vaccinations will likely continue for some time as her department is working to vaccinate everyone as quickly as possible.

Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County is working on another send of the 1B group, people aged 70 and older who are at high risk for complications brought on by COVID-19 symptoms.

Healthcare providers will contact people in that group and provide information about when and where they can receive the vaccination.

According to a press release from the county’s public health office, a walk-in vaccination clinic has not been established at this time due to concerns of COVID-19 and physical distancing.

A wait list has also not been established and public health is working to arrange vaccination clinics to be scheduled in the future when more vaccine becomes available.


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