Letter: Mask order infringes on civil liberties

Dear Editor,

I have lived in Wyoming for over 40 years and have seen many things that have interfered with our civil liberties. Mask mandating takes the cake! It is NOT my responsibility to “take care” of MY fellow neighbors, peers or coworkers’ health. I do not choose their doctors or pay their health costs.

It is unconstitutional to “make” people wear masks. BREATHING through your nose and mouth is a RIGHT, unlike driving which is a privilege! It is not a form of PPE either!

People working in the trona patch are MADE to wear masks while they SHOWER? REALLY? We are asked to shop locally to support out neighbors’ shops and restaurants, BUT we have to wear a mask? Online shopping here I come.

People HAVE THE RIGHT TO BREATHE on this planet. What is this, COMMUNIST SWEETWATER COUNTY? COMMUNIST CHINA? What is going on?

People in the healthcare system or front-line workers are OVERWHELMED with sick COVID-19 patients and asking for money (CARES Act) to hire more employees to lessen the burden. If Rock Springs and Green River healthcare workers are so overwhelmed, why aren’t they asking the municipalities to donate empty buildings that could house patients with the healthcare they need if they have COVID-19? Use some CARES Act money for respirators, medical equipment, beds, ect.

It baffles me that Dr. Jean Stachon and others in Sweetwater County are bullying residents to wear face masks. People should have the choice!

An article published six days ago on Fox News by the Associated Press states a “study was led by researchers from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York and the Naval Medical Research Center. It involved 1,848 Marine recruits, about 90% of them men, who were told to isolate themselves for two weeks at home, then in a supervised military quarantine at a closed college campus, for two more weeks. That included having a single roommate, wearing masks, keeping at least 6 feet apart and doing most training outdoors. They also had daily fever symptom checks. The recuits were tested for coronavirus when they arrived for the military quarantine and seven to 14 days afterward. Sixteen, or about 1%, tested positive on arrival and only one had symptoms. Another 35 or additional 2% tested positive during the two-week military quarantine and only four had symptoms.”

Genetic testing revealed six separate clusters of cases among recruits.”

If these recruits wore masks and did the 6-foot distancing and other STILL got the virus, how is MASK WEARING going to prevent or help? It doesn’t make sense. People have immune systems to help fight this off. If masks work why are so many people getting the virus? Allow the people to decide if they want to wear masks. Don’t govern us to wear something over our mouths where a lot of people breathe through. NAZIS also told people to JUST COMPLY!

Sweetwater County Board of Health, Sweetwater County Commissioners, Rock Springs City Council, Green River City Council, I implore you to not become a COMMUNIST county! LET PEOPLE CHOOSE if they want to wear a mask!

Robin J. Mahaffey

Green River


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