Our view: Voting is a pillar of Wyoming's democracy

We’re heading into the final days of the 2020 General Election.

For many, the biggest question they want a voice in is if Joe Biden or Donald Trump will be the United States’ President in 2021. While that question will have some weight as to what our lives will be like in the next four years, the more important aspects of any ballot are the local elections.

An oft-repeated quote about local government is that it’s “where the rubber meets the road.”

The local city council, school board, county commissioners and state legislators are where the biggest impacts to daily live come from. The Green River City Council ultimately decides where the city’s money goes in Green River, not the President of the United States. Likewise, the commissioners will decide what the county’s priorities are through setting the county’s budget.

If local government is where the rubber meets that proverbial road, money is the engine and voters are driving the vehicle through who they vote into the various offices.

This is why voting matters. People deserve a voice in how their governments are run.

Don’t like who the city’s is run? Contact your local councilman.

Don’t like their answer to your concerns? Then, vote them out! Send them home.

The same applies to any elected official, regardless of the level of government they serve at.

An election gives residents an important role in how local, state and federal government is run. It’s important to exercise that role and make sure your voice is heard.


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