Library exhibits quilts

There is something appealing about quilts -- maybe it is the bright colors or intricate patterns that draw the eye. Several pieces of quilted art are on display in the annual Sweetwater Quilters Open Exhibit at White Mountain Library now through October 31st.

Local quilters participating in the display include Janet McCann with two unique purses and a patriotic themed table runner. McCann has been a seamstress since she was a child, but she did not start quilting until after she retired. She said she falls in love with the colors and designs of the fabrics then hunts for the perfect pattern to use them. Pam Wiggins has a large black and white table runner titled “Eclipse” which does have circular overlapping pieces that feels like a solar eclipse. After about 30 years of quilting, Wiggins still enjoys exploring new techniques and gets excited starting a new project. Four holiday themed table runners by Donna Toly round out the display. Toly’s interests range from quilting, cooking, and dying delicate Ukrainian eggs. Being retired from the local school district where she worked as home economics instructor and manager of food services, she participates in local craft fairs where she displays full size quilts to tote bags and kitchen items.

“While it is a small group this year for the display, the pieces are exquisite examples of modern quiltmaking,” said Debora Soule, Community Fine Arts Center director.

The Exhibits Committee of the Library System developed the guidelines for the exhibits displayed in the county libraries, which is included on the application forms. Individual artists and other group shows are scheduled throughout the year.

The Committee meets throughout the year to review applications and schedule exhibits. Artists interested in displaying their work are encouraged to submit an application for an individual exhibit. Application packets are available at any county library circulation desk and at the Community Fine Arts Center.

The Exhibits Committee is made up of community members Angie Bennett, Deon Quitberg and Donna Ragsdale, all from Green River, and library system members Michelle Maser, Lindsey Travis, and Debora Soule.

For more information about these exhibits and other library events, visit the Library System web page or on Facebook Questions can be directed to Soule at the Community Fine Arts Center.


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