10 seek school board seat

While the Primary Election season concluded with last week’s election, candidates have filed for the upcoming General Election in November.

This time, several positions on local boards and management districts are up for election. One of those boards is the Sweetwater County School District No. 2 Board of Trustees. Ten people have registered for election, including incumbents Brenda Roosa, Steve Core and Mark Sanders. Those three face challenges from Cristy Pelham, Robbie L. de Leur, Danielle Salas, Jennifer Figenser, David Young, Debra Barton and Daniel L. Flom.

Pelham was a member of the board in the past, prior to becoming executive director of the Sweetwater County Child Developmental Center.

Regina Clark registered to seek re-election to her position on Western Wyoming Community College Board of Trustees for SWSD No. 2.

She is unopposed in this election bid.

Three residents have also filed for re-election to another four-year term on the Castle Rock Medical Center’s Board of Trustees. Chairperson Bob Gordon, Vice-Chairperson Lisa Robinson and Reed Robbins have filed for re-election to the board.

For the Jamestown/Rio Vista Fire District, James Reinard and David Buller have filed for election. For the Jamestown/Rio Vista Water and Sewer District, David Shillcox, Daniel Shedden and Delbert Poll have filed.


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