County library hosts art exhibit

Nine local artists will have their work on display at the Sweetwater County Library. The artwork will remain shown along the library walls until the end of September.

The Art Chat Invitational Exhibit features artists that have been involved in the Art Chat events hosted by the Community Fine Arts Center. Artists featured at the exhibit include Steve Kyles, Theresa Weber, Olivia Benz, Cherrie Dittman, Jasmine Krueger, Patti Meyerbird, Amanda Romero, Angelina Q. Bennett and Deon Quitberg.

“There are so many wonderful pieces in this exhibit,” Lindsey Travis, assistant director for the library said in a press release. “And many of the pieces are for sale, so stop by, check it out and support a local artist.”

Kyles, of Green River, has four pieces in the show, all of which are inspired by wildlife.

“My work is mixed media of pastels, colored pencils, graphite, pen and ink,” Kyles said. “My subject matter is of wildlife, inspired by my 35 years of working in wildlife management.”

Weber, of Rock Springs, describes her work as “varied”. She has a watercolor piece and an acrylic piece in the show. Weber says many thins inspire her, but it mostly comes down to elements of nature. “Depending on the subject matter I can often lean toward different mediums to describe the subject,” Weber said in a press release.

Benz, of Rock Springs, has an acrylic piece in the show called The Bison’s Farewell of which she describes as “a painting that looks to the past. When herds could be seen in the thousands, crossing the vast plains.”

“I am an acrylic landscape painter,” she said. “Because I grew up on a small farm in the country, I gained an appreciation for the land and its beauty.”

Dittman, of Green River, has two pieces in the show and says that her work in constantly changing as she explores new mediums and inspirations.

“I am continuously inspired by my surroundings and experiences,” she said. “Making art is like breathing for me, I just do it; it is like involuntary motion.”

Krueger, an educator and multimedia artist, creates art across all mediums, though she mostly creates printmaking, graphic design and performance art.

“My work often focuses on the underlying themes of identity, connection, vulnerability and nostalgia,” she said. “My artmaking process is cathartic in nature, leaving me feeling a little more whole with each piece I create.”

Meyerbird, of Rock Springs, has been painting for about five years and she has three acrylic painting pieces in the exhibit.

“Spending time in nature inspires and connects me to the beauty I see and feel,” she said. “Mountains, canyons and deserts of the southwest are the places I have always enjoyed exploring. I sketch or photograph places with meaningful experiences.”

Romero, Of Rock Springs, has two pieces in the show and describes her work as painting the flora and fauna of Wyoming.

“I like using color to portray the natural beauty around me,” she said, such as “scenes of the western world in a watery media.”

Bennett, of Green River, has taught many art classes and loves color, patterns and combinations. Her exhibit pieces feature watercolor and mixed media.

“I work mostly with watercolor and mixed media collage,” she said. “I enjoy abstract and traditional styles of painting.”

Quitberg, of Green River, has three pieces in the show all featuring Wyoming nature. On eis mixed media and the others are oil paintings. Quitberg has taught classes for all levels of students and her artwork has been on display both locally and statewide.


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