GRHS grad honored for volunteerism

Green River High School graduate Angela Cable was recently selected as the Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency’s volunteer of the month in July.

She has been living in Downtown Rock Springs for 15 years and has been planting flowers in the area for the past seven years.

The arts, photography and beautifying our community has always been important to Angela. Her image, “College Hill Wild Horse Wrap” is featured on the power box on the corner of College Drive and Madison Drive.

She is the former secretary of the High Desert Daughters of the American Revolution – she was involved in the Forgotten Heroes project with this organization. She was a coordinator for the Bountiful Baskets and a Find A Grave volunteer. She has photographed the Rock Springs Cemetery, found/transcribed obituaries for most and assisted with transcriptions of records from the archives in Cheyenne.

Angela has also been a familiar face at the Rock Springs Historical Museum, taking locals and visitors back in time with an abundance of authentic information about our town.

According to Angela, she was inspired to volunteer because she wants to see nice things in her neighborhood.

“That doesn’t happen by just sitting around and wishing for it,” she said.

Arts and culture stand out to Angela in Downtown.

“I love that the museum, library and Community Fine Arts Center are all within a couple of blocks of each other,” Angela said.

“All of the most interesting businesses are in Downtown – there’s no better place for businesses like Square State Brewing and Sidekicks Book and Wine Bar.”

Angela hopes local volunteerism will continue to grow in our community.

“I like to tell people how fun it is to volunteer,” she expressed. “There’s always new people to meet every time.”


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