Our View: Don't get careless with fireworks this July 4th

Another Fourth of July holiday; another opportunity to see the hills catch fire.

It’s almost a yearly tradition in itself. People playing with fireworks outside of Green River or Rock Springs ignite a brushfire resulting in fire crews from multiple agencies extinguishing the blaze. The specifics may differ, involving a Roman candle, bottle rocket or ground spinner, but when sparks and dry brush combine, the result is always the same.

While we’ve had some precipitation in the last week, that rainfall shouldn’t lull anyone into a false sense of security. The fact of the matter is the arid nature of our climate can quickly evaporate the little moisture the area receives. We live in a desert after all. It’s a good idea to those planning to light fireworks this weekend to remember that fact.

Outside of the obvious reasons, not causing any fires during the holiday itself would be doing firefighters a favor. The Green River Fire Department hosts a gathering for firefighters and their families at their fire station each July Fourth. The event is a great time for everyone attending, with the appearance of a family barbecue than the real reason they’re at the fire station -- to be ready at a moment’s notice when the inevitable fire calls start coming in. Without that hanging over their heads, they could enjoy a wonderful evening together.

We realize people are going to enjoy their Fourth of July holiday with colorful sparks and loud explosions. We’re asking Green River’s residents to be considerate for the area’s firefighters while doing so. The holiday is one of the busiest nights of the year for them and some consideration and prior preparation would go a long way in ensuring they don’t have to put out a grass fire a mishandled fireworks package started.

Do that, and this might be a year we don’t see that familiar orange hue in the hills.


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