Mosquito abatement starts in Green River

Mosquito prevention measures have started in Green River.

The city’s parks and recreation department has already begun to place “BTI biscuits” in areas of standing water on city property.

These biscuits prevent mosquito larvae from developing and becoming biting adults. This week, aerial applications of a granule called Vecotbac will commence over large areas of standing water in and around the city.

The active ingredient in Vectobac is naturally occurring, safe for municipal use, and targets mosquito and fly larvae.

As biting adult mosquitoes become present in large populations in the city, personnel will spray areas of the city using a truck-mounted ultra-low volume aerosol fogger.

Fogging occurs between the hours of dusk and midnight. Fogging is tentatively scheduled to begin the week of June 29, 2020, pending weather conditions and mosquito counts.

The schedule and map for residential spraying can be found on the city’s website

The city uses a spray formulation that contains the pesticide product Biomist to control the mosquitoes.

The active ingredient in Biomist is permethrin.

According to a press release from the city, the product eliminates adult mosquitos while they are active and has an extremely low residual. Adult mosquito populations need to be high and active for the product to be effective. Mosquito control applications of permethrin do not pose a significant risk to people or pets due to the low toxicity of the spray and small amount used to control mosquitoes. As with any pesticide, people and pets should minimize exposure. If residents see the spray truck next to their yards, they are advised to go indoors, close windows and turn off cooling units for a few minutes while the spray dissipates.


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